020 624 2583 mail@labnagel.com

Animal feed is subject to strict requirements in terms of composition and contents. Our laboratory plays a crucial role in guaranteeing safety for both manufacturer and consumer. Manufacturers are required to list the exact contents of their product on the product label. This includes nutritional values, fats, sugars, crude fibres and proteins. A well-balanced range of feed ensures optimal health of the animal.

Manufacturers of animal feed are obligated to record the exact compound of their product on the label. Ingrediënts such as nutritional values, fats, sugar, raw fibres and protein. A balanced food program optimizes the animals health.

Assessment and analyses 

Laboratorium Nagel in Amsterdam specialises in assessments and analyses of animal food, both raw materials and end products.
Among other things we test animal feeds like molasses, soybean meal and corn pulp for sugars Luff-Schoorl/Lane-Eynon, viscosity, moisture, ash, protein. We provide Weende analyses and frequently perform ring tests to maintain high-quality assessments and analyses. We also have animal feeds examined for unwanted substances such as pesticides, dioxins and heavy metals. Our microbiological assessment safeguards the quality of perishable foods or food products with a limited life span.

Optimization of animal food

The assessment results enable the manufacturer to optimise the animal feed for sale to the consumer. The composition of ingredients may vary per season. Our independent, accurate and efficient advice contributes to the safety of the food products animals consume. We help keep animals healthy.

Molasses in animal food

Molasses is a by-product of the production of sugar from sugar cane and sugar beets. It is not cost-effective to crystallize sugar from molasses, but this pulp still contains approx. 40 to 50% of sugar in the form of sucrose, glucose, and fructose. Molasses is a highly suitable ingredient for animal feed. It is a binding agent, it is palatable and it contains energy.

Sound analysis – optimal animal feed – healthy food – healthy animals
