020 624 2583 mail@labnagel.com

The history of this laboratory starts in 1870, when ‘technical chemist’ Lotman founded a ‘Bureau for Sugar research’ in Amsterdam to examine the composition of sugar beets in different stages of its growth.

The history of our laboratory leads us further on throughout the 19th century. After some expansion the laboratory was taken over by technician P. Ferman at the end of this century. The laboratory now also started examining rubber, paper, and fuels. Another laboratory – the ‘Bureau for Research of Sugar and other Substances’, Wijnhoff & van Gulpen, in addition to sugar also performed analyses on substances such as butter, margarines, oils, etc.

History Vereenigde Laboratoria Drs. W.H. Nagel B.V.

Around 1900 this company took over the laboratory ‘Chemical Laboratory Dr. H.W. Salomonson. This company performed analyses on foodstuffs, metals and ores. Mr Salomonson remained in charge until 1925, after which Drs. W.H. Nagel took over.

Around 1931 the company merged with the ‘Wijnhoff & van Gulpen’ and ‘Dr Basenau’ laboratories to form the ‘Vereenigde Laboratoria Drs. W.H. Nagel’. Mr. Nagel was involved with the laboratory until 1995, when he sold it to the current owner, Mr. R.J.H. Boddaert.
The rich history of research and analysis continues and the labservices keep expanding over time. Good quality food contributes to the good health of humans and animals. A goal we support and will continue to pursue.


From Bureau for Sugar research to Vereenigde Laboratoria Drs. W.H. Nagel B.V.

The laboratory is located in the heart of Amsterdam on Rapenburg. Parking space is available within walking distance.